I saw a peregrine falcon catch a bird right in front of me today! Just seeing a peregrine falcon is awesome enough, but this tale includes the drama of the kill.
I was walking to the post office (on this beautiful summery Saturday in September), when a blur of feathers swooped down across my path, literally about a foot in front of me! I was startled to see a peregrine falcon drop his catch and fly back into the branches of the very large and beautiful English Plane tree I was passing. I believe I startled the falcon as much as it startled me!
Needless to say, I abruptly stopped to figure what I had just seen. I quickly whipped out my camera and snapped some pictures of this gorgeous bird (not to mention document the drama of its catch).
The falcon waited probably somewhat impatiently as I stood near its lunch. The unlucky small bird (wren?), lay on its back in the grass, quite dead, its legs sticking straight up. Unfortunately, the bird's colors blend a bit too well in the dry summer grass, so it is somewhat hard to see the details.
I finally walked on, and in passing the bird above me, I realized I had an opportunity to get a picture of it swooping down to retrieve its meal. I turned back just in time to catch a blur of feathers, as the falcon snatched its catch back up!